Monday, July 25, 2011

NRG-X Labs Tren 13-Ethyl, 1,4 Andro Maxx & 19 Nor Deca Maxx at $54.99 EACH! The Lowest Prices available at 911STRONG.COM!

911STRONG.COM announces that they have permanently lowered their prices for the three most popular Prohormones anywhere.  Priced at $54.99 each with ultra low shipping, emerges again at the top spot for the best place to get your NRG-X labs products.

19-Nor Deca Maxx by NRG-X Labs

Remember the good old days of 'real' prohormones with their 'unreal' strength, mass and size gains… well, those

days are back with 19nor Deca MaXX™ a prohormone complex that has ZERO side effects and is completely FDA legal – our exclusive and trademarked 19nor-Androsterone™ and 1-Androsterone™ combine to give you the backbone of real testosterone boosting that's proven in the lab and in the gym! In our tests of 19nor Deca MaXX™ users saw an increase of 50+lbs added to raw power movements like
deadlift, squat and flat bench. Imagine what you could do with an extra 50lb of weight
on the end of that bar... imagine what you could do to your body in a full eight week cycle of 19nor Deca MaXX™!

1,4 Andro Maxx by NRG-X Labs

1-Androsterone™, 4-Androsterone™ and 3 5 7-trihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone

(the active ingredient in Novedex XT and 6-OXO) combine to produce lean and
hard strength gains from DAY ONE!

1-Androsterone™ and 4-Androsterone™ (1-AD, 4-AD / 1,4 AD) combine with 3
5 7-trihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone to produce a testosterone RICH environment all while producing ZERO estrogen conversion! 1,4 Andro MaXX™ by NRG-X
Labs is a true prohormone complex that has ZERO side effects and is completely FDA legal.

Tren 13-Ethyl by NRG-X Labs

Tren 13-Ethyl™ is the ultimate compound for lean & dry rock hard gains without added estrogen conversion; users notice increased stamina and strength in the gym along with increased libido and performance out of the gym. Tren 13 Ethyl™ should be stacked with PCT MaXX™, the hottest post cycle therapy supplement on the market today and great for use after your Tren 13-Eythl™ cycle; or any cycle for that matter! Also, use Liver MaXX™ during and after your Tren 13-Ethyl™ cycle to promote a healthy liver and keep your system in balance to produce the best and cleanest gains possible!

The 360 Prohormone Stack by NRG-X Labs

This Stack that features the King of Them All, Tren 13-ethyl has been a popular muscle building stack for some time now due to the fact that it comes with everything you need to use this cycle properly in one low cost package.  Seperately you can expect to pay over $200.00.  The 360 Prohormone stack comes with one bottle of Tren 13-Ethyl and One bottle of PCT Maxx.  PCT Maxx is our best selling Post Cycle Therapy.  This PCT is important to take along with any prohormone cycle to ensure your hormone levels return to normal and that you retain your gains! After all, why work hard to gain weight when you cant keep it! The stack also comes with 4 bottles of our popular Liver Maxx to ensure you maintain a healthy liver throughout your cycle. You can also add a bottle of 1,4 Andro Maxx or 19 Nor Deca Maxx to this stack to make this one super powered prohormone cycle.  Your bdy will become a walking testosterone factory!

We at hope that this brief explenation helps you with your decision making for your next prohormone cycle.  If you have any questions, you can always email and one of our supplement experts will answer any question you have.  You can also post your question on our popular facebook fan page at where you can find a ton of great help!

Enhanced by Zemanta

Sunday, July 24, 2011

911Strong.Com is the #1 retailer of Body Ignition and N.O. Xhaust in the Nation!

We get a lot of customers who ask, "What is the best fat burner available?" Or, "How can I lose weight quickly without diet or exercise?  We have a lot of diet pills, energy pills and energy supplements to choose from.  Take a look at our selection of Diet pills from Body Ignition, Red Stinger Black Label, Hydroxycut hardcore Pro, Lipodrene and Ultimate Oxy Pro Elite Formula.  Each one of these work.  If they didn't they wouldn't be on our shelves.  But each one does something different.  Lets discuss each one. You can find our entire line of Fat burners, Diet and Energy pills by clicking here.


What you see is what you get from Body Ignition.  The ingredient profile in this bad boy has no hidden surprises.  No proprietary blends.  So if you are a Natural Body building Professional, you can rest assured that this product is legal for competition.  This is our best selling pre-workout energy pill as well.  If you need that extra pep to help you get everything out of you in the gym then this is for you!

Ultimate Oxy Elite Pro Formula by Alpha Labs

Caution!  This thermogenic fat burner plus Energy booster is not for the weak.  this prescription Strength power pill is available now without a prescription.  I personally call this one the "Survivor Diet Pill".  If you've seen the show "Survivor" then you know why.  The contestants lose a ton of weight because they eat minimally.  Well this pill has a powerful appetite suppressant that literally will squash your cravings.  I literally have to force myself to eat sometimes!  The fat just melts off!

Lipodrene with Ephedra

Lipodrene with Ephedra contains 25 mg of ephedra extract.  And yes it is legal in all 50 states!  Many dieters know the fat burning benefits of ephedra and when taken properly will destroy your fat cells.  Lipodrene is arguably the best selling , unknown, fat burner in the world.  this is another one of those Amazing pills that you'll lose weight on if you arent exactly working out regularly or dieting as you should.

Hydroxycut Hardcore Pro Series by Muscletech

You know the name and you know its reputation.  This isn't the Hydroxycut you find at your local drug store shelves.  This stuff is competition strength.  Lose weight and get ripped with this powerful formula.  Of course this one isn't for the couch potato.  You'll see results guaranteed as long as you put in the work in the gym and on the plate!

Red Stinger Black Label by NRG-X Labs

If you're looking for that miracle pill that doesn't require working out or diet then stop here.  You're still here ! Good!  now read on.

Red Stinger Black Label has an amazing ingredient profile that includes 1,3-

Dimethylamylamine, phenylethylamine hydrochloride (PEA), gugglesterones, caffeine, 2-(3,4- dihydroxyphenyl)- 3,5,7- trihydroxy- 4H- chromen- 4-one and synephrine plus a host of other energy and endurance boosting ingredients into a carefully balanced and perfectly blended compound that will bring your workouts to the next level, not to mention your body!  This one is also intended for use with a good workout program and diet.

I certainly hope this helps take the guess work out of making your decision the next time you're out shopping for a good diet pill.  And remember, you can't beat these prices anywhere! works directly with the manufacturer.  Not some wholesaler.  That's why we can offer you these great products at wholesale prices!